
Genetically Modified Organism ( Gmo )

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Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) is one of the most important issues around the world. Genetic engineering is a process where scientists take genes from one species and force it into the DNA of other species. GMO has long been in practice to breed select individuals of a species to produce offspring of the desirable behaviors. It is used in conventional livestock production, crop farming and even pet breeding. It involves combining elements of DNA from different sources to create a new DNA molecule that has a different combination of genes than original, which occurs naturally. There are some scientific methods for producing GMOs, such as recombinant DNA technology and reproductive cloning. Recombinant DNA technology involves the …show more content…

Despite of the dangerousness, “……damage to organs, causes infertility, immune system failure, holes in the G.I. tract (human gastrointestinal tract) and multiple organ system failure”, the foods have still been on our table without verification (Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs). No one can guarantee that how GMOs’ side effects will be long-term, continuous and proving safety is beyond the capabilities of current technology. Any scientist that looks into the research and found the lack of research on the safety of genetically engineered food comes to the conclusion that these foods should not be on the market; they need another decade or two decade of research . The use of GMOs in agriculture is a risk that is simply not worth taking. Supporters of genetic engineering argue that the application of biotechnology are to improve the nutritional contents of various foods which will help people who suffer many deficiency diseases. As well, they claim that GMF (genetically modified food) can yields medical benefit by injecting a particular genes or vaccine (). However, GMOs are only a temporary portion, not the essential solution for nutritional improvement of foods and medical benefits. Their own disadvantages far be greater than their own advantages.
Companies like Monsanto, claims that GMOs are pest resistance. Pests can cause large

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