
Genetically Modified Organism ( Gmo )

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When people hear "GMO" not many people know what they are or what they do. GMO stands for is "genetically modified organism", which means that they 're living creature that made from different things inside laboratory for a certain purpose. It 's made from crossbreeding different DNA 's like plants, bacteria and animals with a little bit of chemicals to make what is needed in the world. What 's needed around the world is foods and seeds to produce them. However, these types of foods or seeds might look like the common ones we purchase at the store for daily or weekly bases on the outside, but they aren 't the same inside. The reason why GMOs aren 't same as the regular ones is because unlike the them, foods like corn or broccoli that have an expiration period before they rot or struggle to live before they reach the stores. GMO are able to survive a long time because the DNA that they 're crossbred with it, gives it the ability to survive and adapt to its surroundings so it can be later consumed by the one who purchased it or it 's grown. Although, GMOs can help end world hunger and give the world a larger supply of food, which is a wonderful idea that it can, but it can cause more harm than good. The reason why it can cause more harm than good is because we don 't know what types cause it can do. GMOs are extremely dangerous, but not only to ourselves, but global as well. So to fully understand how GMOs affects on the world, we must see what effects does it do to

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