
Gmo's-Genetically Modified Organisms

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Baked chips aren't the only ones that have fooled everyone. Seeing kids having goldfish crackers as a snack is not a surprise. Many of us suspect that goldfish are healthy because we see many kids always eating them. But don’t let their cute little fish shape trick you. In 2013, “Pepperidge Farm, the maker of goldfish crackers” was sued for labeling a lie on the boxes of goldfish saying that they were “natural” when in reality they were not. They assumingly thought that people still believed that vegetable oil was still healthy. When in reality, it is the “most inflammatory ingredient out there, full of chemicals, pesticides and rancid oils.” The worst part of all is that goldfish are GMO’s-genetically modified organisms. GMOs are toxic and allergic as well, and on top of that, GMOs were banned from being used in 30 countries and more. Goldfish also contain MSG. “MSG is an excitotoxin that damages your brain cells by means of over stimulation. It is used to enhance flavors in some processed foods and spices. Not only can this MSG damage your brain cells, but it can also lead to “learning disabilities and neurological conditions.”

Goldfish aren't the only monsters in disguise, the Big Texas cinnamon bun is the …show more content…

They can say that they're not forcing the student to buy anything and it is the student's choice whether they want to buy junk food from them or not. But what most schools don't seem to realize is that many children/teens can't contain themselves when it comes to junk food. As you can remember, Brenda Jimenez ate a lot of junk food throughout the day, and sadly she can't seem to get enough of it, having it be part her daily meals. Also as you can remember, what Samantha said, “Hot Cheetos are just so addicting and I know they’re super bad for me but I can’t help it.” So though those delicious treats seem amazing, the truth is, the schools are leading their students to death rather than

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