
Genetically Modified Organisms ( Gmos )

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As of 2000, 37 percent of the Earth’s total land area was devoted to agriculture (Unit 7). As people, we consume more than 11 million pounds of food every minute or about 5.8 trillion pounds every year (Thomson, 2014). Agriculture and food production influence countless aspects of our lives, including the global economy. So, it is imperative that the farming methods we choose to implement are the best possible. Some people believe that organic practices provide the best quality food. Others consider genetic modification to be the most beneficial by allowing farmers to produce more crops with the same amount or even less space. The fact is, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are in almost everything we consume. They benefit our society by providing more food, while using less energy and less space to do so. Genetic modification has been practiced for thousands of years, but most know it as selective breeding. This is a process by which humans select specific individuals, based on their desirable, traits for reproduction, creating a new generation of better adapted organisms. This technique is similar to the process of creating GMOs in labs today. Rather than breeding, “… specific genes [are] identified, isolated, copied, and introduced into other organisms” (Jones, 2016, p.581). This method of crop modification has worked so well that almost 85 percent of all US corn has become genetically modified. Corn is the most commonly grown crop in the US and these genetic

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