
Genetically Modified Organisms ( Gmos )

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The marriage union has evolved from a man and a woman to same sex unions. Additionally, there has been a great increase of police brutality and numerous amounts of black on black crime. Further, they have been many breakthroughs in science, where parents can now select their baby’s gender and eye color. In regards to changes, we can ourselves a disservice to ourselves for instance, some of the ways that Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) caused damages is by altering the natural traits of our foods, negatively affecting our environment and impacting our abilities to function as regular humans. Advancements in science, genetically modified organisms have become increasingly popular in the food market, the lack of consumer consent in the choice to eat GMO’s creates an ethical dilemma. Genetic engineering can increase the prevalent amounts of vitamins in foods, for a more well-rounded meal. For example, across Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, vitamin A, deficiencies not only cause widespread blindness, but lack of vitamin A also kills 670,000 children under age five each year. (Borlaug, Julie.2016. Four Ways to Change the Conversation Around Agricultural Biotech). Those numbers can drop significantly if we’re aware, but because GMOs are not labeled; government regulations right now do not require the labeling of Genetically Modified products, consumers are left in the dark eating foods that are potentially lethal to our body. For example, Starlink corn, a modified corn

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