
Strategy Management

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CRH Plc.: Comprehensive strategic analysis of CRH Plc and recommended strategy 1.1 Introduction This assignment 1.2 Choose the Model for CRH Strategy literature offers many techniques and models suited for systematic strategic analysis. The SWOT analysis, the PESTEL analysis, the Five Forces analysis framework are the prime examples of techniques that can be adopted for strategic analysis. This assignment will use PESTEL and Five forces model to analysis the environment of CRH plc. PESTEL analysis is to identify and analyze the strategy and business environment, it is stand for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental factors. This model is to assessing the current environment and potential changes. If …show more content…

The latter includes (4) bargaining power of suppliers; and (5) bargaining power of buyers. ‘The strength of each of these competitive forces is determined by a number of key structural variables’ (Grant, 1998 in Mazucatto, 2002). The importance of this framework is emphasised by Porter who argues that ‘Understanding the forces that shape industry competition is the starting point for developing strategy. Every company should already know what the average profitability of its industry is and how that has been changing over time” (Porter, 2012, p.235). In the context of the building materials industry, the application of Five Force analysis indicates that the industry has growth rates that are mostly lower than the GDP growth across regional economies. It is cyclical in nature and fragmented in structure with a large number of small and mid-sized firms that create micro-markets and heterogeneous customer needs in different geographies. This becomes a big deterrent for any member firm that intends to exploit and enjoy economies of scale beyond a limit. What’s more, commoditization and lack of differentiation erode any scope for healthy margins. High weight to value ratio of ‘heavyside’ building products renders global sourcing ineffective. Entry barriers are virtually non-existent owing to the standardised, low technology nature of products that are devoid of patents and produced with non-proprietary technologies, and this particular industry attribute strips

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