
Strengths And Weaknesses Of A Nurse Leader Essay

Decent Essays

Strengths and Weaknesses of A Nurse Leader No matter how great a nurse leader may be, every nurse leader has their strengths and weaknesses. My strengths include being compassionate, humble, and resilient. Whereas my biggest weakness as a leader is not having the appropriate skills to influence others to see things my way. Compassion, which is an extension of empathy, is having the desire to help those who are suffering or in a crisis. Compassionate leaders are also humble leaders, displaying humility as they put the needs of others before their own. Leaders who possess a high level of compassion encourage healthy relationships and promote an emphatic work environment. Servant leaders are humble, focusing on doing good for others and ensuring the well-being and growth of others over their own personal needs (Neubert, Hunter, & Tolentino, 2016). My manager often tells me that she admires my ability to handle stressful situations and not show any sign of being overwhelmed. As a competent leader, one need to possess the skills to remain calm during stressful times. Resilience is defined as being adaptable, grounded, and having the skills to bounce back from a stressful situation (Tyczkowski, Vandenhouten, Reilly, Bansal, Kubsch, & Jakkola, 2015). Resiliency is considered to be an attribute of transformational leaders, as they are positive, persistence, and flexible individuals. An effective leader has the ability to persuade others to their way of thinking.

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