
Subculture Of Violence

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A cultural theory of violence states that among certain groups or sub culture there are norms and cultural values that approves of violence rather than define it as deviant. This theory of violence locates these pro-violent norms among individuals and groups in lower strata, and thus, this group comprises a subculture of violence. Culture includes the arts, beliefs, value, norms, tradition, customs and man-made artifacts. An individual learns the cultural values through the process of socialization. These values are transferred from one generation to the other generation. A subculture is a part of a larger culture. It is not totally different from the larger culture though it‘s some feature can be different from the larger culture.
A subculture …show more content…

Aggression is a learned process. The society facilitates and promotes it. Aggression is integrated with the society and it becomes the part of the personality of the individual. Basically, the subculture of violence theory holds that the overt use of violence is generally a reflection of basic values that stand apart from the dominant, the central, or the parent culture. This overt (and often illicit) use of violence constitutes part of a sub cultural normative system that is reflected in the psychological traits of the members of the subculture (Wolfgang and Ferracuti 1967). The dominant culture may not improve these pro-violent values and may penalize at the deviant act but more a person integrated to the subculture of violence more the chance he own the characteristic of that subculture of violence. Friends, peer group and family have an important role in this context. The individual whose peer group or families are involved to use violence the more chances that he will use act of violence. Ellison (1991) is of the view ―The southern subculture of violence theory suggests that individuals socialized in the South learn to approve of violence in a wide range of situations and to view violence as important in enhancing

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