
Symbolism In The Book Thief

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An item is never just an item, an idea is never just an idea. There is always is deeper meaning behind an object's physical form. Throughout The Book Thief, Zusak uses elements of symbolism to create a novel layered with hidden values. Possessions in the book soon become representations of the memories and emotions the characters live with. This is why the theme of The Book Thief is simple objects can have complex meanings. An example of objects having bigger meaning is The Gravedigger's Handbook. Throughout the beginning of the book, The Gravedigger’s Handbook becomes a recurring object that represents Liesel’s memories of family and the foundations of her future hobbies. On page 87, it states, “Liesel still held the book. She gripped it …show more content…

From the arrival at 33 Himmel Street to the air raid that would ultimately take the lives of the Hans and Rosa Hubermann, the accordion is a major part of the characters’ relationships. On pages 174 through 179, Death explains Hans’ relationship with Erik Vanderburg, and how he got Hans exempted from going to battle. Erik would not return that day, and Hans would be the only survivor. Erik’s accordion would eventually become Hans’ after it is given to him by Erik’s wife. As a result, the accordion would become a memory of Erik and the sacrifice he made for Hans. To Hans it is not just an instrument, but a memory of a friend who saved his life. Another example of the complex meanings of the accordion is Rosa. On page 429, it states, “...Rosa Hubermann was sitting on the edge of the bed with her husband’s accordion tied to her chest. Her fingers hovered above the keys. She did not move. She didn’t even appear to be breathing.” After Hans goes to war, Rosa would long to know if Hans is alright. In this passage, Rosa is sitting on the bed at night, holding the instrument. The accordion, being one of Hans’ few prized possessions, symbolizes the memory of him and the emptiness Rosa feels whiles he is gone. This shows another alternate, yet complex meaning of the accordion. Lastly, on page 538, it explains how after the bombing, the LSE recovers the damaged accordion from the …show more content…

The book, written by Max, was a gift from him to Liesel. Throughout this short story, Max uses elements of symbolism to exhibit the true relationship between Max, Liesel, and other figures in the book. On page 446, it explains how the word shaker, Liesel, befriends a man, Max. After he becomes sick, the word shaker cries, and one of her tear becomes a seed. The seed would be planted, and become a tree. Then, on page 447, it states, “Days passed. Weeks took over. A hundred and ninety-six soldiers could not make any impact on the word shaker’s tree.” The tree, in these passages, represents Liesel and Max’s friendship. The soldiers in the story try to chop the tree down, but are unsuccessful, proving that their friendship is everlasting and unconditional. Overall, the word shaker represents the bond between Liesel and Max, and how no matter the circumstances, their friendship remained unbroken. The Word Shaker also represents Hitler’s power over the people. On page 445, it states, “He invited his people toward his own glorious heart, beckoning them with his finest, ugliest words, handpicked from his forests. And the people came.” In this excerpt from The Word Shaker, Hitler begins to attract the people of Germany with his words. This is similar to Hitler’s rise of power in 1919, because he would attract many people with convincing words and speeches. The Word Shaker then goes on to

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