
Symbolism In The Tyger

Decent Essays

William Blake’s “The Tyger” in Songs of Experience, written in 1794, describes the Tyger as “fearful” while appreciating its beauty. During this time, Blake was one of the first people to see a tiger; this inspired him to write “The Tyger” and paint the creature as a majestic but fierce being. Although the origins of the Tyger are questioned, the creator is referred as “he” implying a male divine creator. While examining who or what created the Tyger, in addition to the industrial and fiery imagery, the answer could reveal what the Tyger symbolizes. William Blake’s “The Tyger,” in Songs of Experience, uses the creation of the Tyger, along with the dark, fiery environment, to argue the Tyger belongs to the creator's world and was created for a purpose; although the creature may be labeled as evil and symbolizes the negative parts of the human mind, the creature represents the other half to create a whole. In “The Tyger,” the creator of the Tyger is unnamed and unidentified. There is a reference to the creator being the same one as the one who created the Lamb, so that means the one who created both of them, “... suggests that God has the capacity …show more content…

The Tyger represents a perception in regards to who created the Tyger. To this extent the Tyger was created by God, so the creature is seen as beautiful although the Tyger is destructive so it is seen as evil. Humans label objects and creatures as good or bad while in God’s eyes, the Tyger is not seen that way. When the heart of the Tyger began to beat, “[t]he heart represents not only the biological engine of the tiger, but perhaps its passion for living,” (Napierkowski, Ruby) because the Tyger as a fierce being has a purpose. Even though some perceive the Tyger as destructive, that means the Tyger has a purpose. The Tyger is defined by the creator, its environment, and what it can bring to the world to bring the world to

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