
Symptoms And Symptoms Of Panic Disorder

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A mental illness is the same as a physical illness or disease; it follows a certain pattern, consists of a multitude of symptoms and has the potential to be treated. The only difference is that a mental illness affects the brain and the mind, and in today’s society, has negative connotations associated with it. Mental illness is just as biological as any physical disease, and can be just as serious and devastating to the individual. One mental illness, in particular, is believed to be very common and easily reversible: panic disorder. This illness is classified under the DSM-5 as an anxiety disorder, and it is separate from panic attacks, which by themselves are not a disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Panic attacks, are a symptom of panic disorder, and can be experienced by anyone, both those with and without the disorder. Panic disorder is a mental disease characterized by specific criteria, risk factors and etiologies particular to itself. Panic disorder is defined as, “recurrent unexpected panic attacks” (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. 208). A panic attack is a heightened sense of fear or discomfort that swells and reaches a climax; the entire event last around 10 minutes (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). An unexpected panic attack means that there is no trigger that sets off the attack, they occurs seemingly random (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). During these attacks, in order for it to be considered panic disorder, at

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