

Satisfactory Essays

THE IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING YOUR BARRACKS ROOM CLEAN By: SPC Crawford, Michael S The Army has many standards that Soldiers must meet on a daily basis. Maintaining your barracks room to Army standards is a responsibility every Soldier must adhere to. It is extremely important to maintain the healthiness and cleanliness of one’s room. Maintaining your barracks room is a very easy task to do. It does not take much to put your dirty clothes in a hamper or to make your bed or even dust. All of those tasks are very simple to do. By not maintaining my room I put myself, friends, and anyone else at a greater risk of getting sick. Unsanitary conditions in the barracks room are disgusting. Through frequent contact throughout the day with the other …show more content…

And how disappointing would it be to say “I got kicked out because I couldn’t keep my barracks room clean?” Also it would be hard to be placed in a job where cleanliness is a major part, such as, food service, custodial practices, or health services, to name a few. If you can’t keep your barracks room clean, how can others be sure that you practice personal hygiene? Cleaning is also great in its own way whereas if you live foul you could be riddled with disease and transfer that filth unto your battle buddies or even the civilians you may work with and nobody wants that. Without cleanliness I do not feel anyone could go far because it is as important as anything you are taught in school. It is one of those things people judge you on immediately and first impressions are everything. If a personal space can’t be maintained, I do not feel you can maintain a healthy relationship without cleanliness. If someone wants to come over, it would be an embarrassment to show them a filthy unkempt house, or wherever a person is to stay. There is a saying that cleanliness is next to Godliness. This old saying is said by some to have come from the bible. However, its first appearance in English even though in a different form seems to be by a person named “Francis Bacon”. In a book he wrote called “Advance of learning” 'Cleanness of body was ever deemed to proceed from a due reverence to God.’ A minimal level of cleanliness is

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