
Tax Cut Pros And Cons

Decent Essays

Senate Republicans are pushing for a $1.5 trillion tax cut over the next decade. They claim this tax cut will positively stimulate the U.S. economy and offset the federal deficit with more economic growth. Critics say this will only accelerate the federal deficit. This article says the federal debt passed $20 trillion earlier this month.
Trump believes the wealthiest Americans will end up paying more taxes out of this deal than the middle class. However, Mr. Corker, who is concerned about the federal debt, remains hesitant to throw in his support. “My support will be contingent on a final package that generates significant economic growth and does not worsen, but hopefully improves our fiscal situation,” Mr. Corker said of the tax plan. (Rappeport, & Kaplan, 2017). …show more content…

If the tax cut proved to be a bust after ten years, then ether some or all the tax legislation may be reversed or expired. Senator Ron Johnson said, “Just going from 2 to 3 percent growth adds about $14 trillion of economic activity over a decade, $2 to $3 trillion of revenue to the federal government,” (Rappeport, & Kaplan, 2017). However, Mr. Wyden said, “It is a prescription for more trouble in the American economy in the long term” (Rappeport, & Kaplan, 2017).
This article is a prime example of politicians trying to affect the economy. To cut or not to cut. That is the question that only time will tell if it

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