
Technical Report On Amazon Web Services

Decent Essays

Navid Ganjian
CIT360 – Professor Seno
Assignment #3 – Technical Report
Amazon Web Services
Before getting into the details of Amazon Web Services (AWS), it’s better to have an understanding of what Cloud Computing means because AWS is one type of a “Cloud”. Cloud, in a world of technology, means providing resources such as servers, applications, storage, and etc. to businesses or individuals to eliminate the need of equipment to be set up, managed, or maintained on the premises of the users. There are three different types of Cloud Computing:
• IaaS: which stands for “Infrastructure as a Service”. This is a basic model of a cloud, and it provides all the necessary hardware resources to an organization or a personal user. Providers of this type offer physical machines or virtual machines. This type of cloud includes servers, storage, networks, and operating systems. Most popular IaaS providers are: Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Compute Engine
• PaaS: which stands for “Platform as a Service”. This type of cloud computing mostly used by programmers, application developers, or the companies who are in this type of business. PaaS provides set of tools and services to help developers code and run their programs without buying the expensive hardware and software layers. Most popular providers are: Google App Engine, Amazon Elastic Beanstalk, and Microsoft Azure OrangeScape.
• SaaS: which stands for “Software as a Service”. This is the most complete service among all

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