
Teen Pregnancy And Teenage Pregnancy Essay

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Introduction Most women become pregnant at some time during their life, but what if that time comes during the adolescent period in a woman’s life? Teenagers tend to take more risks than adults, whether it be with drugs, alcohol, or sex. In recent years teen pregnancy has decreased due to the fact women used to get married a lot younger, but in recent years it seemed to have become an epidemic in the U.S. However, thanks to shows such as Teen Mom and due to sex education in schools the teen pregnancy rate has decreased even more. Teens are still having sex, but they seem to be better educated in contraceptive forms as well. However, contraceptives don’t always work which can lead to teen pregnancy. Most adult women aren’t even ready to have a baby, but what about when a teen becomes pregnant? Their bodies may not be fully developed yet, they probably don’t have the support they need in order to handle a situation like getting pregnant, they are still trying to finish school, and the body image issues have probably already started. Whether we’re male or female, adolescence is already a hard time. Our bodies are changing, we’re confused about what is happening, we have to deal with new sexual urges, and it is just an overall confusing time. No teen thinks they will get pregnant when they decide to take part in sexual activities. A lot of teens are probably “messing around” in fear that they might get pregnant, but most of the time that can still lead to sexual

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