
Teen Pregnancy In America

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In just the year of 2014 249 hundred thousand babies were born by women ages fifteen-nineteen (CDC.Gov). This many babies being born by women this age are adding a large dependency ratio in america. Teen pregnancy is a declining problem in America but it is still a problem that should not be ignored.

Teen pregnancy is still a problem in america. Even though teen pregnancy rates are declining it is still a problem and there are many ways it can be prevented. Some including abstinence, condoms, birth control pills or implant, and many more ( Those birth control methods are just four out of twenty to help prevent teen pregnancy. And anyone of these can be the contraceptive that's right for someone. If it is too late …show more content…

The planned parenthood organization is the nation’s leading providers of affordable healthcare for women, men, and young people. Providing healthcare for young people in general seems to have strong correlation to the lowering of teens having babies. Because the more this organization spreads the word, the lower teen birth rates are getting. As well, planned parenthood is the nation’s leading provider of sex education. Good sex education for young people would help them to know what contraceptives there are to prevent pregnancy in the first place. And planned parenthood is helping to do that. Many people are going to this organization because they are one of the highest ranked organizations in this field. They are appraised to the fact what they do works. These are the ways planned parenthood are helping the teen pregnancy …show more content…

The birth control pill that can be provided can cost up to $50 per month. This is on the cheapest side of contraceptives, but not everyone is able to afford that. With donations it would be much cheaper or even free because then it can be provided. Another alternative to the birth control pill is the birth control implant which can be up to $800, but lasts for 4 years. It is fair to say that everyone can afford this for $800. With donations it would make things more affordable for some people. Most teenagers do not have a source of income so it can be hard to come up with $500. The prices of abortions could go down if there were other sources providing folds. The planned parenthood provides amazing sources, but the prices of them are easily enough said high and donations can help. The decline in teen birth rates is a great change, but it still needs to be fought against. The birth rates have declined about 11% in the last 2 years. Teen pregnancy is at the historic law for the U.S. and that says that what is being done is

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