
Teen Pregnancy In Teenage Pregnancy

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In J.K. Rowling’s famous book series Harry Potter, incoming students are sorted into different houses based on their characteristics. One house in particular, Slytherin, contains students with those traits of determination and loyalty. My mother had a rough upbringing; her parents, although loving, seldom abused alcohol, and in her teenage years, she became a mother to a man who eventually cheated on her. However, my mother was determined to give her daughters a better life, and so she did. Eventually, she met my father and had me.
Hispanics are known for having several festive celebrations; however, they’re also known for their flaws, and one of those flaws involves teenage pregnancy. Many families support their children having children at such a stage in their life, while others disown their daughters; however, because family is highly valued in Hispanic culture, hundreds of families forgive those family members who were banned. Like my mother, my middle sister experienced carrying another human being inside her, and we supported her from the beginning; however, unlike my mother, her baby didn’t survive. She delivered the baby, and five minutes later, his lungs were unable to provide him oxygen as he was missing one of his four heart chambers.
Because the doctors knew that my sister had a high risk pregnancy, they were obligated to fly her to Corpus Christi to deliver the baby, but when she arrived at the hospital they didn’t. I wasn’t in the hospital as it happened so

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