
The Issue Of Teenage Pregnancy

Decent Essays

Teenage pregnancy is a hot-button issue in the United States that has lured the attention of citizens for many years. Since its peak in 1990, teen pregnancy has declined significantly, but is still held as the center for much controversy, especially with recent reality television shows that many claim are “glorifying” teenage pregnancy (The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, 2014; Henson, 2011). Although numbers of pregnant teens are down, certain areas continue to struggle with this issue, and are seeking new ways to get the message across. This case study focuses on a series of print and transportation advertisements that were distributed in Milwaukee and Chicago from approximately 2009 through 2013 (Murray, 2013). The following study also showcases the stigmas surrounding the ads and links relevant coursework from chapters two, three, and four via the campaign’s choice of tactics.

Overview of Case:
The key elements of this case study is the primary method of delivery (public transportation), use of visual metaphor (showing a pregnant teen as male), and use of shock tactics. In the most recent case, the persuader is the City of Chicago and the Chicago Department of Health (Murray, 2013). They are trying to show the importance of teen pregnancy awareness through an alarming (and medically impossible) metaphor, attempting to persuade its audience to become aware of this issue and to do something about it, whether it be teens practicing

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