
Teenage Pregnancy Essay

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The constant rise of adolescent fertility across nations has proven to be a major contributing factor to a cycle of dependency which deteriorates economic growth. Evidently, the younger generation represents the larger population of Belize and as suggested by a report, commissioned by the United Nations, Belize encompasses the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in the Caribbean followed by Guyana and Jamaica. Based on the media perspective, teenage pregnancy is a rising issue in Belize that should be taken more seriously. It’s an epidemic ruining lives and perpetuating poverty. According to Sheila Roseau, Director of UNFPA SROC, the birth-rates in countries are normally forty-nine per thousand births. In Belize, the birth rate is …show more content…

However, due to educational programs such as “YES, IT VET, CET and Social Services” opportunities for upliftment becomes possible. These programs are designed to educate and prepare young individuals for a better life. Secondly, the media highlights the contributing factors of teenage pregnancy. Based on a study done in South Africa, the inadequate knowledge of contraception is a major factor contributing to teenage pregnancy. Parents are very hesitant when it comes to educating their children about sex and the use of contraception. The majority believe that their children will eventually learn on their own as time pass by or they don’t believe children should even know about adult activities since sex and contraceptive usage is considered an “adult thing.” Lacking the knowledge of sex and contraceptive usage can definitely lead to teenage pregnancy because both parties are unaware of the consequence that follows their actions. Another factor is alcohol and vanity. Luxurious lifestyles cause most teenagers to sadly stumble unto the path of prostitution as well and often becoming impregnated and drop out of school. Being a mom at an early age due to fast living can also lead to contraction of life-threatening diseases such as HIV/AIDS which could also be an addition to teenage pregnancy. Having been sick with HIV/AIDS and pregnant is not the combination any mother would ever dream about especially

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