
Essay on Texaco Case Study

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Symptoms of Problems at Texaco
Identification of Root Problems and Unresolved Issues

Highly qualified African-American employees filed a class action suit against Texaco in 1994, stating that the company failed to promote African-American employees to a higher position and it failed to compensate them in relation to Caucasian employees in similar positions. Throughout the investigation of Texaco if was found that documents would potentially damage Texaco were being withheld. When secret tape recordings from Texaco executives revealed not only vilely insensitive racial attitudes but it also demonstrated the eagerness of the executives to withhold any and all sensitive internal documents pertaining to the discrimination court case. …show more content…

Many of the minority employees felt that issues were not being addressed. This made them feels insecure at their job and helpless. It had become apparent to many that going to management were not going to help alleviate the problem. The total number of people who were discriminated against may never be known, but through the bravery of the few, the prejudice of that behavior has been stopped and has been corrected. Texaco later implemented a solution for its problems but many thought it was not enough. Rev. Jesse Jackson, in 1996 "urged patrons to carry on with an economic boycott of the oil company" he suggested the boycott would add pressure to Texaco and that they would be pressed in implementing better employment policies for minorities and that these policies would be enforced. (CNN News, 1996).
Roles of Key Players

The employees of Texaco at the time obviously were the ones affected by this discrimination. Peter Bijur, the CEO of Texaco and the key person for the changes that took place in the company, was a key player in this case in the months leading up to the settlement. Other key players for the changes at Texaco were Bari-Ellen Roberts, a former senior financial analyst and Angela Vallot, the Director of the corporate diversity

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