
The Aik Of Education On The Lack Of Education In Kenya

Decent Essays

One of the most influential problems that is affecting development in Kenya is the lack of education on the subject of human development and the suffering economy. The introductions of fees for treatment resulted in a sharp spread of STD due to the poor economy and lack of awareness. As a result life expectancy dropped, inflammation of STD can damage the spinal cord and brain and prevent your nerve cells from working the way that they should. Neurological complications may result not only from damage caused by the virus itself, but also from other side effects of HIV and AIDS, such as cancers that are associated with these diseases. Not only this, but as a result of the poor economy and access to food, brain development in the womb is affected and as well as lactating women won't be able to provide for their children suffering from lack of nutrition. The goal of our organization is to jumpstart the economy in the poorer parts of the nation in order to create long term stable jobs to allow people to afford food, education, and treatment.
Counterclaims that have come up is that the proceeds won't last the people of Kenya in the long term. Issues that have been brought forth are even we were to create long term jobs, some people may be too ill to work or can risk further spread of disease in the workplace. This limits many adults from ever being able to work resulting in spending more funds to search for and training healthy adults. Not only this but early childbearing as a

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