
The Big Short Movie Essay

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The Big Short is a movie about the crash of the housing market in 2008. This economic crisis of 2008 is similar, but different, than the economic crisis of the Great Depression in 1929. They were both an economic downfall creating panic in the US economy. The movie was an overview of the life of a quirky doctor, Michael Burry, who analyzed the mortgage practices and exposed the fraud of subprime mortgages that allowed people with shaky credit to borrow money. The movie also highlighted two other investors in Burry’s theory, Mark Baum’s group and Charlie Geller, that invested millions to gamble against home loans and short the market by buying credit defaults. All of these people made billions of dollars by betting against the economy, but all three groups realized they were betting for a failing economy. Their win was the world's loss, leading into something similar to the Great Depression of 1929 when millions lost their jobs and were no longer able to keep up with their mortgage. The Housing Crash in …show more content…

History helped to recognize the parallels between these eras and learn from them. The crisis of 2008 was not nearly as bad as the Great Depression, but like the Depression consumers lost trust in the market and were afraid to invest in the economy. The Housing Crash catastrophe, like the Great Depression contributed to the failure of banking institutions and led to high unemployment rates. Unlike the Great Depression, the crisis of 2008 was supported by more than a dozen economic stimulus packages provided by the federal government to jumpstart the economy. The federal government stepped in to bailout the banking institutions to avoid another Great Depression. It is important to look back on the history of these two national devastations and learn from their mistakes so we can be better prepared for future economic downfalls in the

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