
The Biotechnology Of Genetically Modified Foods, History, Benefits And Risks

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This paper reviews the biotechnology of genetically modified (GM) foods, history, benefits and risks. Beginning with the history of biotechnology, the scientific explanation of genetically modified organisms and the risks and benefits associated with the use of genetically modified plants in agriculture, it provides an overview of GM foods. Plant biotechnology has been in use for the last thirty years in the United States and over 150 million hectares of GM plants are grown in 25 different countries around the world (Bertheau 2012). It is reasonable for consumers to have an understanding of GM foods and what they are eating on a daily basis. There is much controversy surrounding the ethical issues and attitudes regarding the use GM plants in our agriculture, however this paper will only focus specifically on the development of GM foods and the evidence-based risks and benefits.
History of Biotechnology The origins of genetic modification can be traced to the 1950’s when two scientists discovered the chemical structure of DNA. In 1953, a United States biologist named James Watson working with a British chemist named Francis Crick discovered the composition of DNA and published a model of it (Newton 2014). The Watson-Crick model taught the world of science that DNA is made up of hundreds of thousands of atoms in a very specific order. Their discovery indicated on the DNA structure there are specific groups of sugars and phosphates and that attached to each sugar

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