
The Bluest Eye Analytical Essay

Decent Essays

Have you ever felt that you must be destined for something greater than what; you are currently doing? Many individuals often suffer from this fear, and that they missed something earlier in their life, and that they are meant to be doing something more productive with their lives. This internal struggle is shared with many characters in The Bluest Eye, written by Toni Morrison. They believe that once they obtain certain spiritual, mental, or physical characteristics that they will be able to depart from their current, nauseating living conditions. The Bluest Eye varied in the amount characters that are seeking spiritual characteristics to depart from their current living conditions. Cholly Breedlove is seeking spiritual characteristics to escape his family life. Cholly is upset with his living conditions, so he tries to burn down his house, as seen by Claudia MacTeer stating “Mama didn't know what got into people,” but that old Dog Breedlove had burned up his house, gone upside his wife’s head, and everybody as a result, was outdoors” (Morrison 16-17). Then, he can change spiritually for a short period, by the consumption of alcohol. He becomes more violent …show more content…

Pauline Breedlove, loves to watch movies because they provide an escape from her dreadful, home life. “Along with the idea of romantic love, she was introduced to another-physical beauty” (Morrison 122). This shows the mental aspect of her wanting to depart from her family issues. She witnesses her favorite actress, Jean Harlow, and how beautiful she is. This causes her to see her, as the face of beauty, so she attempts to look like her, in having the same hair style. But, she also places it on her daughter, Pecola, by the statement “Head full of pretty hair, but Lord she was ugly” (Morrison 126). This is how she describes her newborn child, as ugly, compared to her idea of beauty (Bouson

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