
The Bluest Eye Symbolism

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In the novel, The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison, the author has all the main characters be African Americans, and live in a deprived time of segregation to encourage the reader to change their view to treat African Americans kindly and have a different idea of perfection than white skin and blue eyes.
Throughout the novel, the author focuses on the clash between different cultures, and the the colors that symbolize each. First, the reader reads the title, The Bluest Eye. This initially starts the color blue in relation to eyes. The eyes are the tool people use to see in order to interpret the world. In the beginning of the novel, Pecola Breedlove, “each night, without fail...prayed for blue eyes” (46). She wanted to be what she thought she …show more content…

The author gives times where love is not thought of as the traditional sense we think of today. The author makes wants to make this idea to change, when in the end no one is happy. The use of symbolism is apparent when Cholly did not bring in the coal. The coal symbolized the love, which Cholly did not provide for the family. The use of metaphor illustrates this idea. Once Pauline had moved north with Cholly, she had “a brown speck, easily mistaken for food but did not leave, which sat on the enamel for months…” (116). This could represent their relationship. They were happy, until they moved, and then something happened when they were there that caused them to dislike each other, but it was small and unnoticeable, until it grew. Then the tooth fell out, leaving a ragged stump behind” (116). Pauline and Cholly finally could not be together, as represented by the tooth falling out. There is also the use of religion. Mrs. Breedlove does not think of religion as the normal christian, but rather just focused on “Christ the Judge” (42). She thought she was there only to punish her husband, Cholly. All of these examples of love are not what we think of as love. The author proves in the end that this does not provide a long lasting relationship. Everyone involved in this ended up sad and alone. In order not to end up like they did, we must have a true relationship. The author may have seen relationships end, or be ruined by

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