
The Bluest Eye Thesis

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In the afterword of “The Bluest Eye”, Morrison describes the narrator of the story as “the sayer, the one who knows…a child speaking, mimicking the adult black women on the porch or in the backyard” (Morrison 213), in essence, a child acting as the narrator and imitating black women when speaking, possessing intimate secrets waiting to be divulged to the reader. By having a child act as the narrator and introduce emotionally taxing topics to the reader, the weight of these topics would be cushioned by creating skepticism about the truth behind a child’s statements in providing lots of seemingly “trivial information” (Morrison 213) and thereby “altering the priority an adult would assign the information” (Morrison 213). But rather than just being an arbitrary character in the story, Claudia can be justified as being the very embodiment …show more content…

It is more plausible that Claudia is the embodiment of Morrison than say Pecola or Freida in that Claudia is the narrator; if Claudia is the narrator, then Claudia’s perspective was written to an extent, through the similar eyes of Morrison. It can also be argued that Claudia is the external projection of Morrison’s reaction towards racial beauty, with both having experiences of disdain with blue eyes. As a child where Morrison’s friend wanted to possess blue eyes: “She said she wanted blue eyes. I locked around to picture her with then and was violently repelled by what I imagined she would look life if she had her wish. The sorrow in her voice seemed to call for sympathy, and I faked it for her, but astonished by the desecration she proposed, I ‘got mad’ at her instead.” (Morrison 209). With Claudia, there is the similar experience of expressing the disdain of blue eyes, but through the blue eyed dolls that are bought for her, which she eventually

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