
The Bluest Eyes

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In the Bluest Eyes, Tori Morrison portrays society’s disgusting attributes such as sexual violence, racism and trauma by examining the life of Pecola. Pecola’s obsession of having blue eyes has grown throughout the novel. At first she believes by consuming candy she can one day have blue eyes. After Cholly rapes her, she believes her eyes have actually turned blue. At first blue eyes in the novel symbolizes society’s beauty standard, which is whiteness. For someone to be considered beautiful or lovable is based on their skin tone and their features, which is why the women in the town try to get rid of their funkiness. However, after the rape, the blue eyes are a way for Pecola to make sense of the trauma she had experienced from the hands of …show more content…

Pecola does not have any friends she is shunned by her family and society. The line brings more emphasize to how truly alone Pecola is in life. The good friend the quote refers to is Pecola subconscious who forces her to deal with the rape she had experienced. She reaches a level of psychosis were she can’t differentiate between what is real or what is fake. The friend she believes she has acquired brings notice to how Pecola did not mention to her mother how Cholly raped her on the couch. Pecola says it’s because her mother did not believe her the first time Cholly raped her. This shows how society is failing Pecola, which is what drives her to this mad state. Tori Morrison write s“We were so beautiful when we stood astride her ugliness. her simplicity decorated us, her guilt sanctified us, her pain made us glow with health, her awkwardness made us think we has a sense of humor. Her inarticulateness made us believe we were eloquent. Her poverty kept us generous. Even her waking dreams we used--to silence our own nightmares. And she let us, and thereby deserved our contempt.” Pecola was the only person in the town who was naïve and had hope of a better life. The town used her as a scapegoat and projected their insecurities and any negative feelings onto her since she was an easy target. In a way they might have thought they were helping her by breaking her down and destroying her hope. Cholly failed her as a parent by raping her and society had failed her by shunning her and not acknowledging that she was

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