
The Career Of Nursing Career

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Nursing When people are sick or injured they need someone to take care of them and may need to see a doctor. But usually there are other professionals who will see them first and provide hands-on care before the doctor arrives. Many of these professionals are nurses. Within the healthcare sector focused on the care of individuals, families and communities, nurses may help patients attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life. When considering a nursing career, one needs to be aware of the education and training required, the potential salaries of nurses, the history of nurses, the locations of hospitals were is the nurses working, and the characteristics nurses need to be successful. The history of nurses includes different kinds of nursing. Regarding the clinical nurse specialist, the national league for nursing education first drew up a plan to create the clinical nurse specialist role in the 1940s. The first master’s degree program opened in 1950 at Rutgers University; the only specialty offered at that time was psychiatric nursing. By 1970, clinical nurse specialty certification had become available in a number of fields in response to increased specialization in health care, the development of new technologies, and need to provide alternative, cost-efficient health care in the physician shortage of the 1960s (Ferguson A 9). Educational programs for nurses are a fairly recent addition to the time honored career choice. Regarding the history of

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