
The Catcher In The Rye : Negative Trait And Hardship

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The Catcher in the Rye: Holden’s Negative Trait and Hardship Being a teenager is hard. There are even many struggles that a person has to face throughout their adolescent years such as dating, getting good grades, and keeping a good relationship with friends and family. For Holden, the protagonist in The Catcher in the Rye, going through the traditional high school’s struggles wasn’t easy. In addition to all the ‘normal’ challenges that every teenager has, Holden also had depression. Depression cast a dark shadow that followed Holden all throughout the story. Despite all of this, Holden made his life difficult for himself by doing things such as unfairly judging people, telling numerous lies and having a pessimistic attitude. Holden’s life, and the lives of the people around him could have been much simpler if he tried using these traits in a positive way. Instead Holden’s life was unnecessarily complicated, as he forced challenges onto himself from the way he behaved. As humans, people will look at others, not necessarily in a judgmental way, but simply so that they can observe the people around them. Holden only did half of this, when he looked around at the people surrounding him, he would make very harsh judgments. He would often make an opinion of what people's personalities are based on what they look like. This is unfair, yet Holden often did it to strangers when he first met them. When at the theater with Sally, there were men outside smoking and talking about the

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