
The Causes Of Jim Crow Laws In The United States

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Beatings, lynchings, murder, all against blacks, rampant in the South, accredited to Jim Crow Laws. Jim Crow Laws greatly restricted black’s rights in America, on both social and judicial levels, until their repeal. While there is still racism in modern America, it does not exist in the same quantity as it did during the 1930’s. Jim Crow Laws were laws in the U.S. which enforced racial segregation within the South between 1877 and the civil rights movement’s beginning during the 1950’s (“Jim Crow Law” Britannica). Jim Crow Laws restricted many things for Blacks, under the doctrine of “separate but equal,” to be considered constitutional. These laws existed to not only keep blacks away from the whites, but to humiliate them, let them know they were below people of the white race. “The segregation principle was extended to parks, cemeteries, theatres, and restaurants in an effort to prevent any contact between blacks and whites as equals.” Contact between races was kept to a minimum in most places, with blacks having rare contact with whites. Jim Crow Laws, though, were not only legislated by state and local governments. There were unspoken laws and codes also referred to as Jim Crow Laws. “Unwritten rules barred blacks from white jobs in New York and kept them out of white stores in Los Angeles. Humiliation was about the best treatment blacks who broke such rules could hope for.” (Constitutional Rights Foundation “A Brief History of Jim Crow”). Blacks were treated as

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