
The Change Management Model And Kotter 's 8 Step Model

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Academics such as Lewin and Kotter have outlined frameworks which fellow re-searchers can refer to when trying to implement organisational change successful-ly. Although there are many theories regarding change management, this research will focus Lewin’s change management model and Kotter’s 8 step model. 3.1 Lewin change model The force field analysis by Lewin (1951) demonstrates that there are three neces-sary processes which organisation need to consider when processing or imple-menting change. The force field analysis aims to investigate the balance of power between the driving forces of change and the resisting force or barriers to success-ful change implementation. It argues that there is a need to identify the key players involved in the decision making and identify methods to influence those against change (Wagner et al. 2011). The term force refer to any factor that has the potential of affecting the change process within the organisation (Schwering, 2003). The three processes are specifically known as Unfreeze stage, Change stage and final-ly Refreezing stage. The unfreezing stage can be regarded to some degree as a pre-stage to change. The point of this stage is to get ready people to change and making the organisation prepared to move from the present position to the new sought one. Since amid the unfreezing stage people could feel the present state of affairs debilitated, it is urgent that the greater part of the representatives get to be mindful from the

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