
The Characteristics Of Handmaids In Gilead: A Tale

Decent Essays

June Bloom is a thirty-three year old women who had recently escaped the Republic of Gilead, a totalitarian and theocratic state that was formerly known as the United States of America. The Republic of Gilead is controlled by conservative Christians that have established a dictatorship and overrule the governing body of the United States. The society consists of customs that are commonly seen in Middle eastern countries. Most women in Gilead are infertile due to the exposure of nuclear waste, which has lead to the importance of fertility in the society. June was apart of the society where she was known as Offred, one of the handmaids in the Gilead society that belonged to a commander named Fred. In her attempt to flee the country with her daughter …show more content…

Handmaids in Gilead wore the same outfit. You could say we wore similar clothes as islamic women today. It marked status in the society. We wore red shoes. We wore red gloves. We wore a skirt that was ankle-length, full, extended to cover the breasts and the sleeves were full. Everything except the wings around our face was red, the colour of blood, which defines us. The white wings were an issue, they are to keep us from seeing. Seeing the surroundings, but also from being seen. In my opinion, I don’t think I look good in red, it’s not my colour. I felt like a joke of some fairy-tale figure. Little Red Riding Hood. Clothing from the previous lifestyle revealed individuality, this wasn’t encouraged in Gilead. It reminds me of the time when the Japanese tourists came to Gilead. The clothing they wore really caught my attention. They wore short skirts, that just reach below the knee, thin stockings, high-heeled shoes. Their hair was too exposed and wore lipstick, red. I used to dress like that, it was freedom then. I see similar freedom here. The westernized …show more content…

If I remember correctly, I noticed Serena Joy, the wife of the commander, always wore blue. She was as cold as the breath of death. The marthas, Rita and Cora, they wore green. Econowives wore stripes. They were a sort of a mixture society. Women at Jezebels would dress in all kinds of bright festive

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