
The Consequences Of Police Discretion In The Police

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Police are what is known as street-level bureaucrats. This basically means that police are civil servants working on the “street level” in direct contact with the general public enforcing the laws of the local, state and federal law. Police officers work alone or with a partner patrolling the streets within their beat, therefor they are given a lot of discretion with their title. Discretionary judgment is necessary for a well functioning police department, but it must be demonstrated properly in order to have positive outcomes. A police officers ability to use discretion properly can help build the relationship between law enforcement and the community, but if officers abuse their discretionary judgment then it can lead to decisional influences / biases (Dempsey pg. 144, 2018). A few solutions have been implemented in order to counteract / remove these discretionary negatives. Police officers have always possessed the powers to exercise discretionary judgment ever since they have had the ability to enforce the law. Discretion within the police force is defined as “the officers freedom to make a choice based on the situation” (Young, 2011). However, it has come to light in recent decades that many officers abuse their powers of discretion, especially with their use of force. This is especially a problem today because police officers are being monitored every second as departments start incorporating dash cameras and body cameras. With new video surveillance brings forward the question of whether or not police are given too much freedom when it comes to discretionary judgment. One of the biggest reasons police are permitted to demonstrate discretionary judgment is because when it is applied correctly it builds a positive relationship between law enforcement and the community. The idea is that if officers are too strict on the law then there would be too many arrest and it wouldn’t always allow the officer to act in a just manner. Discretionary judgment is necessary for law enforcement to function properly because no two situations are the exact same therefor officers must apply discretion as needed to the situation they are experiencing. The debate over police discretion typically comes up after

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