
The Debatable Issue of Information Privacy on the Internet

Decent Essays

Information privacy debate - A2069336 Is the information on internet private? Do employers have a right to access employee information on social media? Why or Why not? Information on the internet is there for public scrutiny. Take for instance some of the information that is posted on ones social networking site's profile like work and education, place of residence, relationship and family, contact information, birthday, sex, and relationship status. These pieces of information can be easily accessed by your friends and friend's friends. Besides much information can be found on people when googled. Employers do have a right to access employee information on social media. The information obtained from this media can be used in hiring and retention decisions. Social media contains a lot of publicly available information that can be used to evaluate current and potential employers. To guard against lawsuits that relate to negligent hiring and retention it is only practical that employers scrutinize whoever they want to employ using social media (Elzweig & Peeples, 2009). However, care has to be taken to guard against liability for invading privacy of their current or potential employees. Many social networking sites have privacy settings that only allow your friends or friend's friends to access information about you. With default privacy settings, everybody, including potential employers, is capable of getting crucial information on their would-be employees and

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