
The Development and Change of the Monster in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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The Development and Change of the Monster in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

The structure of Frankenstein begins as an epistolary, narrative story by Robert Walton to his sister (Mrs Saville) in England. Walton’s letters tell us that he is exploring, searching for what lies beyond the North Pole and that he longs for fame and glory. Walton and Frankenstein connect in this novel as they both seek and have a thirst for knowledge. For Walton it is his exploration, for Frankenstein it is to discover the secret of life.

Walton’s letters announce the discovery and rescue of a stranger – Victor Frankenstein. This is another connection between these two characters because when Victor is found he tells …show more content…

This is an early sign of the first confusion and helplessness he feels. From birth he works from natural instincts and so he is more animal than human, this is until he discovers emotion. First emotions the monster endures are fear, (‘I felt half-frightened) pain (‘pain invade on all sides, I sat down and wept’) and pleasure (‘A gentle light stole over the heavens and gave me a sensation of pleasure’)

A few days after the monster’s birth he discovers exactly how his senses work and after this he expresses his feelings (he does this by groaning) for the need to learn a language. He longs to communicate with people and to be rid of loneliness. He fails to express his feelings because his own voice scares him. The monster’s rapid development continues when he becomes able to think and learn, by now he relies less on instinct and is now more human than animal. An example of the monster learning is when he becomes aware of time by using the moon’s cycle after he has spent fourteen days in the forest. Indications of his thinking ability is how he reasons through logic. (The fire provided comfort and heat but when he touched it he ‘let out a cry of pain’) This quote proves how experience has helped the monster avoid pain again and how he is able to sit and think about how to

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