
Plant Hormone Lab Report

Decent Essays

Hormones are fundamental to the growth of an organism. Hormones are the chemical substances that travel to various targets within an organism in order to start a cellular response. Hormones are used for different aspects of growth. For example, gibberellins impact stem elongation in plants. Auxin, another plant hormone, softens and increase plasticity of the cell walls, which aides in the growth of the plant’s size and shape (Georgia State’s Department of Biological Sciences, 2015). There are several types of auxins including natural and synthetic versions. In this lab we are testing synthetic and natural auxins to observe which concentration of either hormone will promote better plant growth. Plants are vital to life on …show more content…

The bottle was then inverted four times to ensure mixture. Due to the shortage of glass bottles the NAA was prepared slightly differently. We only measured out the microliters of NAA on water days and mixed the concentration with deionized water in graduated cylinders. In order to keep the concentration of the solutions the same, we measured out 10 microliters of NAA and mixed it in a graduated cylinder of 100 milliliters. Concentrations of both solutions were .01 mL. A total of 15 red beans was split evenly into three plastic circular containers and filled with regular soil. The three containers were labeled with tape and titled. The containers were watered with their respective solution, one with IAA dilution, one with NAA dilution, and the last container as a control and watered with deionized water only. The seeds were watered with 100 milliliters with their respected solution three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for five weeks. The seeds were watered together every water day, even though the time per water day differed throughout the duration of the experiment. The containers were stored on a shelf with no overhead grow light. The conaitners received light from the classroom’s light as well as the other overhead grow lights that surrounded the shelf for the entire experimental period. Observations were recorded once a week on Monday. When observations were

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