
The Effects Of Alcohol On The Health Care System Essay

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Alcohol is a substance that should be consumed in moderation, and should be used responsibly. Similar to any substance, there are consequences that come with the irresponsible and abusive use of it. Not only the drinker is affected by alcohol abuse. People around them including family, friends, potential offspring and even Canada’s Health Care System are affected too. Specific to the health care system, there is a burden placed on it in regards to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum disorder (FASD) a variety of disorders grouped together as a result of the abuse of alcohol while pregnant. Alcohol abuse is a factor that contributes to health issues that some women endure from engaging in activities such as the consumption of alcohol while pregnant. Thus, Canada’s health care system has to deal with the outcome associated with alcohol-related health problems, specifically, FASD.
FASD can easily be prevented. If a mother does not consume alcohol during pregnancy, her child will not suffer with FASD. It can easily be prevented, but precautions are not being put in place to prevent FASD. Since interventions are not being used, the health care system is left to pay the costs. Doreen, M. R., Bonnett, D. M., & Gass, C. B. (2006) notes that FASD has been studied ever since the 19th century but has been “poorly understood and largely overlooked.” In the past (Doreen, M. R., Bonnett, D. M., & Gass, C. B. 2006). Since the behaviours and outcomes of FASD have been neglected, there has not been the

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