
The Effects Of Media On Young Girls Around The World

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Everyday television, film, advertisement and music industries deliver contradicting messages to young girls around the world, especially in well technology developed nations like US. They create mayhem and confusion among adolescents, who are trying to find themselves, fit in and safely pass into womanhood stage. At home and school girls are being taught how important it is to obtain education, career, learn responsibilities as well as how to become great mothers and wives, take care of the house and act like ladies. But as soon as they turn on TV, open a magazine or log into the Internet they are being taken for a roller coaster ride, which may seem like a lot of fun at first, but going further it becomes a struggle and pulls teens further and further away from their culture and values presented by loved ones. They are being flooded with fake images of happiness achieved by purchasing a certain product, ability to fit in by wearing fashionable clothes and leaving a moment without worrying about the consequences that will follow reckless behavior. Media are guilty of supplying young minds with garbage just to make a quick dollar and don’t care about the future of next generations. In my essay I would like to provide some examples how television, film, ads and music create whirlwinds of emotional and cultural contradictions in young girls. To begin, worldwide phenomenon “American Pie” tells a story of four teenage boys, who enter a pact to lose their virginity by prom night

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