
The Effects of Antipsychotic Medications in Schizophrenic Patients

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The Effects of Antipsychotic Medications on Schizophrenic Patients
Clinical research trials can be defined as tests of new medications or devices on human participant subjects. Clinical trial sites participate in operations by which they recruit patients that may be eligible in their studies, and conduct such tests on them. I chose to observe patients diagnosed with schizophrenia participating in clinical research trials at the Neuropsychiatric Research Center of Orange County, where I have been a clinical research assistant for seven months. The focus of my observations has been particularly on the effects of antipsychotic medications on these patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a mental illness in …show more content…

This shows that patients were more aware of reality in a sense, which can prove an improvement in cognitive functioning. In another study by Swartz et al. (2007), there were improvements found in the psychosocial functioning of patients in all phases of their treatment course. The study examined fourteen hundred and ninety-three patients, who were randomly assigned antipsychotics (randomly assigned to receive either olanzapine, perphenaizine, quetiapine, risperidone, or ziprasidone) and assessed using the Quality of Life Scale. After six months, patients showed an improvement in psychosocial functioning, as well as by 18 months. As discussed briefly before, as an intern, I was able to observe the same patients over time. Schizophrenic patients on antipsychotic medications did show an improvement over time in psychosocial functioning as seen through psychological evaluations. Some patients reported feeling lonely and lacking a social life toward the beginning of their study visits. As time progressed, their psychological evaluations reflected their increase in confidence and decrease in loneliness. Patient’s reported engaging in social activities, successfully looking for work, and actually wanting to participate in social situations. One patient in particular (Patient “A” for confidentiality) began the study as an individual who had an ambition to begin their own jewelry line. Patient “A” reported feeling

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