
Essay on The Effects of the Civil War on the United States

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Civil War Research Paper
The effects of the Civil War brought about changes in the United States. The country had to answer the question: To what level of moral and ethical conduct do we want Americans to be held? Loyalties were seriously evaluated. People had to decide if they held their loyalty to the country as a whole, their state, their families, or even to humanity as a whole. They had to decide if it was right to own another person, or if the slavery system was justified as a way to keep the Southern economy going. Through all this contemplation, people wrote about their thoughts and fears, and as a result, people abandoned romanticism and became realists. Many writings of the Civil War, whether informational or literary, reflect …show more content…

Ambrose uses realism in his writings by giving vivid details of the thoughts of this civilian who is caught by the Union soldiers and is about to be hanged. “Death is a dignitary who when he comes announced is to be received with formal manifestations of respect, even by those most familiar with him” (457). This shows us how a man’s loyalties can affect him greatly, especially when he chooses a path that can ultimately lead to death.
The Civil War was not only a bloody war, but it also made people question humanity itself. Is it right or wrong to own another human being? Many writers would write of the anarchy and despair that ensued during the Civil War. With a realistic style, the details of this struggle for humanity were clear in the writings of this time period.
Abraham Lincoln addressed the people of the United States in his writing “The Gettysburg Address.” Lincoln’s speech addresses how our nation dealt with the struggle of equality and humanity. Lincoln’s strong ideas and beliefs on humanity are shown in his speech: “It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion” (503).
The glory days of romantic ideas and limitless possibilities suddenly and drastically

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