
The Evolution Of Cell Phones

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The Evolution of Cell Phones: 1995-Present Throughout the twentieth-century, different inventions and predictions were made to determine what the future would be like. For example, hover cars and advanced spacecraft were some of the most iconic pieces of predicted technology. Although hover cars still have yet to be refined some predictions of the twentieth-century are seen being used today, such as small portable communicators. Small portable communicators have enhanced the way people communicate with one another and are more commonly known as the cell phone. In 1973, a man named Martin Cooper and his team at Motorola built and demonstrated the first cell phone (CBS 1). Little did they realize the huge impact that cell phones would soon make in the near future. Cell phones have evolved drastically and have become an essential and indispensable aspect of contemporary life. Since 1995, mobile phones have transformed into complex cellular devices to suit people’s busy lifestyles, while still staying true to its original aspect, communication. The look of cell phones in 1995 differs immensely compared to the slim and sleek design we are used to. Phones of this era coincide with cordless house phones that people today are more recognizable with. Although they were considered to be mobile phones they were very bulky in size. The first few generations of mobile phones consisted of antennas to maintain a proper signal. Nowadays having an antenna attached to the top of the phone

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