
The Executive Order : President Obama 's Immigration Reform

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The Executive Order: President Obama’s Immigration Reform
In 1986 Ronald Regan signed into law the Immigration Reform and Control Act, an amnesty act that would alleviate the current immigration problems. Through this law, out of five million illegal immigrants, an estimated four million could have applied to become legal U.S. Citizens. This law was supposed to put a definite stop to illegal immigration into the United States. However, ever since the law was enacted, statistics show that the numbers of illegal immigrants in the United States have ascended from an estimated 5 million in 1986, to about 11 million today. Therefore because of these rising numbers, immigration has been one of the most popular topics in U.S. elections and debates. So on November 20th 2014, President Obama announced to the nation the executive actions that he 's planning to take to fix our nation 's broken immigration system.
In President Obama’s executive order speech to the nation, he discussed three major solutions to fixing our nation’s disastrous immigration problem. His first solution was to increase the amount of resources and law enforcement personal at the border so we can control the flow of illegal crossings and celerity their return. Next, his second solution involved making it easier for intelligent or high skilled immigrants to stay in the United States and contribute to our economy. Finally, his third solution mentioned that the United States shall take the steps needed to deal

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