
The Five Generic Competitive Strategies

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The Five Generic Competitive Strategies By Jennifer Williams There are five generic business strategies that companies choose from when trying to successfully compete within their respective industries. This is the first choice a company must make, even before deciding an overall strategy. These generic business strategies include low-cost provider strategy, broad differentiation strategy, best-cost provider strategy; focused strategy based on low costs, and focused strategy based on differentiation. These strategies have many advantages as well as disadvantages. Choosing which one to use depends on what market position a company wants to pursue. Deciding to be more offensive or defensive also plays a role in choosing a …show more content…

(Generic Business Strategies, 2010) Southwest Airlines, Wal-Mart and Nucor Corporation are some companies who use the low-cost strategy. Here are some of Southwest’s key characteristics of its low-cost strategy: • Mastery of fst turnarounds at gates (25 minutes vs. 45 minutes for rivals) which allows planses to fly more hours per day, more flights to be scheduled per day with fewer aircraft and more revenue generated per plane on average than rivals; • Elimination of several services including in-flight meals, assigned seating and baggage transfer to connecting airlines results in costs savings; and • Fast, user-friendly online reservation system by facilitating e-ticketing and reducing staffing requirements at telephone reservation centers and airport counters. (Kuzmicki, 2009) Another generic competitive strategy is broad differentiation strategies. According to Thompson, Strickland, and Gamble, in “Crafting and Executing Strategy”, broad differentiation strategy is seeking to differentiate the company’s product offering from rivals in ways that will appear to a brad spectrum of buyers. A company attempting to succeed through differentiation must study buyers’ needs and behavior carefully to learn what buyers consider important, what they think has value, and what they are willing to pay for. Then the company has to incorporate buyer-desired attributes into its product or service offering

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