
Questions On A Broad Generic Business Strategy

Better Essays

Chapter 6
Discussion Question 6.1
What are some drawbacks and risks to a broad generic business strategy? To a focused strategy? Having a generic business strategy will cover a vast amount of products or services, but in the end will not stand out due to it being so broad. With this type of strategy businesses will find themselves in an undesirable predicament because the consumers of the organization will not have an understanding of the firms core competencies. Incorporating to many strategies as seen from a cost perspective, is not a sound solution for any organization to engage upon. That’s due to the rise in cost will negatively impact value created, by suddenly limiting it. Also, not differentiating between products will cause a …show more content…

What strategy might the firm use to unseat Windows in this market? This is a difficult market to engage. Looking at the likes of a Google and Apple, which are in this market, their systems are just as beneficial. In addition, a better operating system than Windows would come from the likes of Apple. This company has been abele to produce an operating system like no other, by appealing to those individuals such as early adopters and convincing them that that there technology is the next best thing. With that said, it will be hard for Apple to unseat Windows due to their ability to allow a compatibility with any system no matter the computer or device, which reduces inefficiency within the organization. Apple can take one thing into consideration when trying to implement their OS amongst the world, which is focus on the target audience and organizations for which a market share can be built. This may include the likes of the military due to Apples OS being one of the fastest thus allowing for lower levels of viruses. Also the youth, seeing that are appealed to new technology. In the end Apple have controlled the hardware & software bundles and model updates, so every Mac operates smoothly without worry on lagging,

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