
The Function Of Industrial Engineering Essay

Decent Essays

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION In manufacturing sector, simulation is one of the powerful solution for problem solving purpose. Simulation used in the modelling and analysis of manufacturing systems are the one of largest application areas. Simulation become increasingly important in the two of decades previously. The benefit attribute of simulation can be divided into two categories where quantitative benefit and qualitative benefit. Quantitative benefits classify into: operating cost reduction, throughput time, capital costs, design-to-market time and faster implementation of plant changes. Then, qualitative benefits also typically inclusive of reducing of risk, deep understanding of processes, communication improvement, great team integration and great development of skills within the organization. Simulations allow variety of problem within the manufacturing to be consigned without the disadvantage of experimenting with a real manufacturing system. Most typical issues postmark are requirement for and the quantity of equipment and personnel, performance consideration, and consideration of operational procedures. The function of industrial engineering is function labeled working with people to do operations better, faster, safer, save company money, earn profit and increase competitiveness. An industrial engineer make an important contribution where saving money while making the proper workplace for employee. Analyzing the job and workplace is one

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