
The Gantt Chart

Decent Essays

XXXXXXXXXX Prof XXXX ENG 104 10/28/2015 Midterm Before listing the stages of team development I believe it’s important to understand the dynamics of a team. Every group has its own standards of behavior which ultimately brings both culture and cohesion to the group, furthermore, the stages of team development which entails Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Adjourning are structured in a sequential to ensure a team is operating effectively with maximum productiveness. These stages as explained by psychologist Bruce Tuckman are the stages in which people go through as they form bonds with each other and work together effectively. In the Forming stage team members make a effort to get to know each other and bounce …show more content…

As a group we worked extremely hard on our project considering our scheduling differences also I would I am proud of the fact that we did not fall apart a as a team. consider the chronic anxiety of not knowing how thing were going to turnout, moreover, I’m grateful for the initiative everyone provided by sacrificing time out of school to work indecently of there own ideals. Even though team critical engineer couldn’t seem to make it out of the storming/conflict stage, we where able to accomplish the task at hand. If could go back and revisit this project with what I know now I would spend more time formulating ideas for the tower rather than the team rushing to build, I can see why each stage of the TIDEE are equally important. The roles that were assigned to each member of the team are as the following, manager, recorder, reporter and reflector. As the Team manager I was responsible for maximizing overall performance of the team achieving team goals by systematic use of processes such as the TIDEE and Gantt Chart setting meetings and meeting details, maintaining team focus and ensuring member performance within their roles. I believe this role was the most difficult, as a team manger I was lacking in a few areas due to

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