
The Genocide : A Mass Murder Of People From A Ethnic Group

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A genocide is a mass murder of people from a particular ethnic group or nation. The genocide in Rwanda seems to start when the Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana, a Hutu, was shot down above Kigali airport in 1994.The political and historical context was handled passably as it showed to an extent how innocent Hutus and Tutsis were being slaughtered. It also mentioned the president being Hutu and Tutsis killed him from his plane, and how the radio announcers were calling Tutsis cockroaches and saying how horrible they are. This is capturing the effect the Belgians had on the two groups. The movie made it look like there was no separation between the tribes before the Belgians through a conversation a reporter had with one Hutu and one …show more content…

Over time, we see that he doesn’t only just care about his family, but his neighbors and other civilians too, no matter if they were Hutu or Tutsi. The UN colonel tells Paul he receives orders not to shoot and intervene in the commotion and to only take care of all non-Rwandan inhabitants and get them home safely since it’s a civil war. The UN Colonel says to Paul that the camps they have are chaotic and they’re only there to be peace keepers, not peace makers. Paul initially thought the western reaction would be tremendous as everyone would come to their aid seeing the suffering and butchering of tons of innocent people. As the violence was worsening, the UN received orders only to get foreign visitors and remove its forces without shooting, as this wasn’t their civil war to intrude in. The UN colonel thinks that Paul should be furious with him because the western countries and UN have chosen to forget about them. The colonel says he’s “not even a nigger” to Paul. This is saying that the world sees him and Rwandans as less than an African Americans and there’s no reason to help stop the conflict, especially because Rwanda has no natural resources like oil that other nations could gain from helping to resolve the conflict.
George Rutaganda, who runs a storeroom and is the leader of the Hutu militia, was disgusted by Paul’s thought that he couldn’t kill all the Tutsis. The scene following Paul and George’s meeting made me upset and was appalling

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