
The Global Climate Change : How Do We Believe? Earth And Space 3.2. Troy Cornish Essay

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The Global Climate Change Debate- how do I know what to believe?
Earth and Space 3.2
Troy Cornish

Over the past 150 years there has been undeniable evidence that suggest the Earth is warming at a significant rate. Scientist who have done extensive research on Global warming as it as known have concluded that the major cause is the ‘Greenhouse Effect’. The Sun emits light waves and energy that pass through our atmosphere, this is absorbed by the surface and turned into heat energy, which then radiates off and is emitted back into the direction of space. Not all of the particles are able to make it out of the atmosphere due to gas molecules clogging up the air. This is warms the Earth very similar to the way a greenhouse would; the atmosphere being the glass of the house and the Earth being the vegetation inside the house.
Diagram of how the greenhouse effect works.¹

Five gas molecules that attribute to the Greenhouse Effect are: Water Vapour (H2O), Nitrous Oxide (N2O), Methane (CH4), Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Carbon Dioxide is the most significant of these gases. This is because it is the most common of all the gases and acts as a very effective blanket to keep heat trapped in the Earth’s Atmosphere. Nitrous Oxide and Methane act in similar ways, but to a lesser extent since they aren’t produced as much. Water Vapour is also abundant like Carbon Dioxide, and it increases as the Earth’s temperature does due to the process of evaporation. This

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