
The Great Depression

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Former President Calvin Coolidge said, “In other periods of depression, it has always been possible to see some things which were solid and upon which were solid and upon which you could base hope, but as I look about, I now see nothing to give ground to hope- nothing of man” and to some extent it was true. Americans lost all hope in life entering a deep dark tunnel with no light in the end. The Great Depression was not something that appeared out of thin air; it grew over time like a tumor and eventually plagued America with an excessive disease. No decade was more terrifying in the twentieth century than the 1930s. The stock market crashing, due to people buying stocks on load, the debts from WWI farmers and consumers in deep debt, and …show more content…

Furthermore, up to 24,647 trespassers were killed a along with 27,171 being injured on railroad property (Alva, Danzer, Krieger, Wilson, Woloch 476). As a result of expensive/lack of food, many children ate very less or not at all for quite some time. 20% of America’s children were starving and without proper clothing for the harsh weather. In some mining regions, the percentage of malnourished children reached up to 90% (How the Depression Affected Children). Malnutrition weakens the immune system which is why diseases, such as rickets, increased in children. The infant rate was at its highest point because of lack of prenatal medical care. The Great Depression left many children orphaned and abandoned. Those affected are unable to forget this horrific time of their lives. Lastly, farmers were probably the most damaged during the Great Depression. When WWI hit, America started producing more food than usual to send over to Europe. Once the War was concluded, farmers had plenty of goods left over; this caused the price of these foods to decrease dramatically and made it unable for farmers to pay their rent and mortgage. Along with farmers receiving no payment for their food, in 1933 a swarm of chinch invaded crops that the farmers grew leaving nothing to spare. In 1934, a tremendous drought hit the plains, making it quite problematic to replace crops that the chinch bugs destroyed the previous year. The drought

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