
The Grim Sleeper Film Analysis

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The Grim Sleeper is a film documentary directing attention towards serial killer rapist. During the filming, Lonnie Franklin, a supposed serial killer with apparently over 25 known victims is still in the trial phase while a cameraman and Nick Broomfield, a “reporter” scrutinize and expose more secrets about the killings, the motivation behind the killings, and the people involved. The investigation requires the interrogation and assistance of locals to obtain the pieces of the seemingly impossible puzzle. Despite the case having plenty of information to put Lonnie away with many life sentences, he remains in multiple trials over a period of four years. The evidence against Lonnie clearly has not piled up enough,and given how long he has remained …show more content…

The area in which the killings have taken place is a full of corruption, drug abuse, prostitution, inefficient law enforcement, and a common disregard for rules/regulations. These factors seem to make the investigation more complicated, yet uncomplicated. For example, given how much individuals care for their own safety, Lonnie's friends and the people of the community end up gladly giving up all the information they have for the investigation. From the first couple of days on the investigation, the crew has learned that Lonnie actually has a “good” reputation in the community. People love him, his friends, strangers, prostitutes, they all just... Love him? Well, it turns out that his amazing reputation, is basically just a cover up. He seemed like such a nice person, that people would gladly assist him with random and strange tasks that normally would not be asked of. The man who cleaned up what is apparently a blood stain, at the time thought it was just a drink of some sort, the man who burnt a vehicle for him, thought he was just hiding the evidence of a stolen car. He practically used his reputation to his advantage in multiple

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